Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Potable Hard Drives, and your PS3

So, let's get started with an easier one.  Most portable hard drives (HD) come from the factory pre-formmated with a file system called NTFS.  This works great for your PC, but is not compatible with the PS3.  The PS3 uses a file system called FAT32.  Useing the HD formatting tool that comes with windows, will only allow you to use 32 gigs (give or take a few bites) of the available space on the HD.  So how do we get around this?  Simple.  HP makes a simple little HD formatting tool, that will allow you to format your portable HD, up to 2 terrabytes, with the FAT32 file system.  Get it here:,64963-page,1/description.html

After you have installed this little gem, open it up.  Make sure your portable HD is connected to the PC.  In the first menu, choose the HD you want to format.  In the second menu, choose FAT32.  Now, hit the start button.  In a few minutes, (time varies with size of HD), your HD is ready to go.  Load it with media compatible with the PS3, and enjoy.  File size is limited to 3.9 gigabytes, so some larger high def movies may not be compatible.

And remember, anytime you format a HD, the info contained on it will be erased.

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